Will you be affected by The Hay fever Pill Shortage!

Will you be affected by The Hay fever Pill Shortage!

As Boots, Superdrug and other UK high street chemists announce mass shortages of hay fever medication, Super Kai, our Pharmaceutical Scientist shares his top 5 natural remedies for treating your seasonal allergies this summer.

So what is Hay Fever?

Hay fever is an allergy - people who have it are allergic to pollen. Pollen is a type of fine powder which is released by lots of different plants and trees. It has proteins in it which can cause your nose, eyes and throat to become swollen or irritated.

It affects between 10 per cent and 30 per cent of all adults and as many as 40 per cent of children in the UK. People are more likely to suffer from hay fever if they have a family history of asthma, allergies, or eczema.

The shortage of Hayfever tablets is due to stocks of chlorphenamine maleate, the active ingredient in brands like Piriton, being low!


How to treat Hay Fever naturally?

The most common methods to help hay fever is standard arsenal of antihistamine tablets, medicated nasal sprays and eye drops that are used to keep common allergy symptoms at bay.


However, there are a few natural remedies to help prevent and reduce the symptoms of Hay fever.

Local Honey

There is some strong evidence to show that consuming Local Honey can help to limit the effects of hay fever as it exposes you to the same pollen, helping your body to naturally form a tolerance. If you like honey, it is certainly worth a try,  the key is  to source local honey so pop into your local independent health stores and check out their range too.



Applying a thin layer of Vaseline inside the lower nostrils can help combat hay fever and reduce symptoms. The Vaseline can put a stop to the pollen entering the nostrils.



Hot Peppers

Red and Chilli Peppers contain an active component called capsaicin. When eaten, capsaicin opens the nasal passages, helping to reduce congestion.


Curcumin (found in turmeric) has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, easing, or reducing a number of health issues. Studies have also shown it can minimize nasal symptoms and nasal congestion through the reduction of nasal-airflow resistance, making turmeric a great choice for tackling hay fever. Curcumin has low bioavailability when consumed through the diet, consider a supplement if hay fever is an issue.

Clinical trials suggest that two months of Curcumin supplementation at 500 mg/day can reduce hay fever symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion. The trials proposed that curcumin helps balance the immune response!

Both turmeric and its constituent curcumin are considered safe at normal recommended doses.


Moringa is rich in antihistamine polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants and even contains Omega-3, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. From studies, it has been found that it can inhibit the production of histamine to as much as 72%. Moringa Oleifera is therefore a powerful antihistamine agent and one of the best remedies for spring allergies.

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